Winds Of Revenge

Theme: Go With The Flow

Game jam Finalist
Created for November’s UE4Jam in 2016, the theme was “Go With The Flow”. A lot of great ideas came to mind for this theme, but as a team we finally decided on a course and it came out pretty interesting. Have you ever been mad at your boss? Ever want to punch your boss in the face? Well, you can’t do that in this game…but you CAN throw a paper plane at your boss’ face! Using the A/C systems, heaters, fans and some skills, your objective is to guide the paper plane right to the objective, your boss!

Team consisted of five members.

I contributed to the programming.

We used Google Docs for task management.

We used my home Perforce server for source control.

We used Discord as our main source of communication.

We ended up winning November’s game jam and while the YouTubers were prevalent, no one big ever got ahold of it. We did get a few articles written however: AlphaBetaGamer, PCGamer and RockPaperShotgun.

Can be downloaded here: